Punk á Patró
Pönk á Patró (Punk in Patró) is a music festival for the entire family, the target group being children and teenagers. PáP takes place in August at the Pirate House in Patreksfjörður. Our aim is to give children the chance to meet popular musicians, learn and listen to music and have some fun.The festival begins with a music workshop in the care of the artist/band of the day. In the workshop the kids will learn many things, for example about the instruments the band uses and they can even try them out. The kids speak to the artists about what it is being in a band and then they will make some noise! When the workshop is done the kids get some refreshments on the house to recharge their batteries as the band gets ready to play a concert for the youngsters.
The band plays a second show in the evening for the entire family – still free for the young ones but adults pay admission.
The artist of the day is always some well known and respected Icelandic group, among former participants are Dikta, amiina, 701, Dr. Gunni, Prinspóló, Skálmöld and Pollapönk. The style of music is not punk at all but all kinds of musical styles. The PUNK comes from all the energy, creativity and joy taking place in a Pirate House far far away the next urban area.
There is no entrance fee for children under 16 years of age for the workshop or concerts.